Utah Fall Family Pictures – Greer

Utah Fall Family Pictures – Greer. Guys. I can’t emphasize enough how lucky we were for this session. How stinking lucky. Lucky that it got done and lucky that the photos looked this incredible!
No joke, the weather was insane. Chelsea? Back me up here. I drove through incredibly gross weather to drop off my kids at my in laws. By the time I got there, I felt like this session was NOT going to happen. It was raining, snowing, and looked like it was only going to get worse.
I messaged Chelsea a few times saying that we might want to try to reschedule, even with her husbands crazy work schedule and holiday coming. She decided to drive to the location that she had hoped for and see how the weather was holding up there. It looked liked this.. Again, no joke, I rushed over, we shot for about 45 minutes before her cute boy was over it, and then I drove back to my in laws in a snow storm.. What?? I still think about it and can’t even imagine the luck! There was sun for goodness sakes!!
I would love to work with you! Contact me to find out more about planning a session. I promise we’ll have fun! To see more Utah Family Sessions like this cute one, follow along on the Instagram!