Provo Canyon Fall Pictures – Vogel

Provo Canyon Fall Pictures – Vogel. I get excited every time I get to see these guys! And every time I see them, their family is just a little bit more grown. That just goes to show how truly fast kiddos grow! And how important it is to capture them at every stage. Their session right before this was maybe four months before, and baby girl had already grown an insane amount. And can you handle her blue blue eyes?? They are insane!
Remember me mentioning location scouting? This was a drive by location that my brain insisted would be magical for a photo session. And it is! It’s magical when it’s green and summer, and it had such amazing colors for fall minis. It has beautiful views 360 all around. I can’t wait to bring it to life in 2024! I’m always curious to know what locations you are looking forward to. Let me know and help me plan for the upcoming year!
I would love to work with you! Contact me to find out more about planning a session. I promise we’ll have fun! To see more Utah Family Sessions like this cute one, follow along on the Instagram!