Orchard Blossom Family Session – Vogel

Orchard Blossom Family Session – Vogel. I interrupt your usual March winter day for some green and orchard blossoms!! Trying to stay relevant over here with lots of fall and winter session posts, but I need to just swing back to some spring and green to lighten everyone’s day!
I can’t believe how much I’ve seen this family grow over the years. The first session I ever shot with them was when Sam was very newly pregnant with baby girl. I was completely unaware of that little fact until she messaged asking to schedule an in home newborn photo session!
I would love to work with you! Contact me to find out more about planning a session. I promise we’ll have fun! To see more Utah Family Sessions like this cute one, follow along on the Instagram!

All the big brother cuddles that she pushed away! I would guess that someday she’ll love them and return the cuddles. Maybe she’ll be tougher than him!

Keep those kiddos entertained by simply playing games! We played airplane, lots of up on shoulders, and ran back and forth with the whole family. The orchard makes keeping kids contained just a tiny bit easier!