Christmas Tree Lot Family Photos – Chappell

Christmas Tree Lot Family Photos – Chappell. Cousin photos! I was pumped when Jessica signed her kiddos up for cousin photos again this year at the tree lot. How fun for the kids, the grandparents, and great for Christmas cards! And of course I got to catch up for just a sec with them!
I’m curious, if I didn’t post any sibling photos, would you be able to tell who is sibling and who is cousin?? My brain tells me I would be able to, but I think I just know them too well! They definitely could all be siblings though. There are so many similarities!
I think we should made predictions for these sweet kids for next year. Both boys will have grown a few inches. I think there will be quite a few more teeth missing. Aaand I might say that a couple of the girls will go back to longer hair. We will see next year!
I would love to work with you! Contact me to find out more about planning a session. I promise we’ll have fun! To see more Utah Family Sessions like this cute one, follow along on the Instagram!