Utah Wedding Photographer – Lindsay&Nathan Utah Wedding Photographer – Lindsay&Nathan were so ready for this day to come! Lindsay’s younger brother was a good friend of mine in high school. He contacted me before the wedding asking if I still did photographer. Definite yes to that! I was so excited to hear that Lindsay was…
Utah Wedding Photographer – Naylor Sealing
Utah Wedding Photographer – Naylor Sealing Utah Wedding Photographer – The Naylor Sealing was something really special. How cool is it when you get to play a small part in the sealing of a family. I’m so grateful Kristy took the time to plan to have photographs taken of her special day with her two…
Lance&Amaya Engagement
These two are the sweetest together! It’s so easy to see that they were made to find one another.
Pace Wedding
I can’t tell you how incredibly happy I am for Ryan and Naomi. I’ve never seen such huge smiles! They fit perfectly together and were 100% meant to meet. They had an enormous amount of friends and family there showing their love and support. And how cute are all of their kiddos??
Andrea&Alex Bridals
We were all pretty convinced it was going to start pouring at any moment, but the rain held up! The clouds gave us some stunning light coverage, so that’s a bonus. How cute are these two? Andrea is seriously stunning and so sweet.
Emily Bridals
This beautiful girl’s mama contacted me wanting to have some bridals done and share that special moment together with her daughter, and it was special! It was such a beautiful day after a bit of rain! It was fun to hear the two reminiscing over funny memories and talking about the moment Emily met her…
Ali&Zac Wedding
Shot with Kailey Rae Photography
Louland Falls Wedding
Shot with Kailey Rae Photography
Kendall&Marcy Wedding
Shot with Kali Poulsen Photography